
Message from IMSOS President

It gives me an immense pleasure to write as a President of prestigious body IMSOS. It not only gives me a sense of great responsibility but also fills my heart with a sense of gratitude and humility. The hardwork done before, by various stalwarts like Dr. Ajay Puri, Dr K C Gopalakrishnan, Dr Bhavin Jankharia, Dr.Mandip Shah, Dr. Ashish Gulia, Dr. Yogesh Panchwag, has left a great legacy to be carried forward with utmost responsibility. At the same time the emphasis has to be on teamwork, as we all learn from each other.

IMSOS is a truly multidisciplinary forum where allied specialities like Radiology, Pathology, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Plastic Surgery are equally emphasized as Orthopaedic Oncology. For this, entire organization of IMSOS as well as its affiliated meetings have been restructured so that participation of all allied specialities can be equally balanced. To ensure above target, the membership drive for IMSOS has been rejuvenated in all the allied fields.

IMSOS emphasizes on younger and lesser experienced colleagues who are interested in the sarcoma management. We focus on younger colleagues to make case presentations with rationale for preoperative planning and treatment of individual tumours so that conceptual training can be emphasized rather than series of cases being presented.

I visualize IMSOS to have a firm Asia-pacific grip beyond the borders of our country as a very well-established organization for bone and soft tissue tumours.

I am looking forward for all your support and suggestions to go forward.

I am very confident, with the backing of an experienced executive committee, sense of group work will prevail to unify sacoma management all across the country.

Thanks and regards