
l. Name

The society is called the "Indian Musculo Skeletal Oncology Society’’ (IMSOS) and functions under the registered parent body “Musculo Skeletal Oncology Society’’.

2. Aims

The aims of the IMSOS are to promote scientific, evidence based, comprehensive multidisciplinary management of bone and soft tissue sarcomas and encourage basic and clinical research. The society aims to create a common platform to promote mutual collaboration between different specialists and institutes involved in the treatment of sarcomas, foster training and education and help in the dissemination of knowledge and creation of guidelines for management of these lesions.

3. Membership

The Indian Musculo Skeletal Oncology Society (IMSOS) is a step in this direction. It aims to “promote scientific, evidence based, comprehensive multidisciplinary management of bone and soft tissue sarcomas and encourage basic and clinical research.” IMSOS seeks to provide a common forum for interaction and mutual collaboration between different specialists and institutes involved in the treatment of sarcomas. Membership is not restricted to doctors alone. Any nurse, scientist, related health care worker or individual who is interested in the study of or management of sarcomas is welcome to join the society. Together we must strive to develop this society to ultimately provide the best possible care to the maximum number of patients.


An applicant shall be eligible to apply for membership as a Life Member if he or she:

    $ - is actively engaged in the diagnosis and care of musculoskeletal tumors and has shown a commitment to the field
    $ - is a member of their national association
    $ - has been nominated and endorsed by an IMSOS Life Member and is seconded by an additional endorsement from an IMSOS Life Member
    $ - has completed an IMSOS application


The work of the IMSOS is carried out by the General Assembly and by the Executive Committee which operate in accordance with the Constitution.

General Assernbly:This body is the governing body of the IMSOS and is composed of life members Its tasks are to elect the officials who are the President, Secretary and Treasurer; to elect the members of the Executive Committee; to approve the report from the Executive Committee; to approve amendments to the constitution, to appoint auditors and adopt audited accounts.

Executive Committee:This body conducts the affairs of the "Indian Musculo Skeletal Oncology Society" (IMSOS) in accordance with the policies determined by the General Assembly from which it is elected. The Executive Committee is composed of: the President, the immediate past President, the President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and four life members. In the inaugural Executive Committee (which is nominated by the founder members) as an exception, a senior life member will serve on the Executive Committee in lieu of the immediate past President. The President is elected for 2 years and is not eligible for re-election for consecutive terms. The Secretary / Treasurer and the four members of the Executive Committee are elected for a period of 4 years and are not eligible for re election for consecutive terms. Of the four members of the Executive Committee, two longest serving members will be replaced every 2 years (as an exception, in the inaugural board 2 of the members shall be replaced after an initial period of two years in order to adhere to the above rule).

Board members shall serve without compensation and cannot receive any remuneration as employees of the society. Elections for positions on the Executive Committee: Intimation of vacancies on the Executive Committee will be the responsibility of the incumbent Secretary. Intimation will be sent to all members no less than 2 months prior to the annual General Assembly meeting to enable filing of nomination papers. Those desirous of applying for the post of President, Secretary or Treasurer should have served on the Executive Committee earlier. Only life members are entitled to apply for any official position.

The incumbent President will be the presiding officer for the election process.


The IMSOS has the right to request a membership fee. The initial membership fee will be Rs. 5000/-. The final membership fee will be proposed by the Executive Committee and will be decided by the General Assembly. The IMSOS also welcomes support and benefits from sponsors and donors.

6. Meetings

The IMSOS will hold at least one General Assembly and Scientific meeting (which may be held concurrently) every year. The members of IMSOS are also encouraged to create awareness about the society by organising dedicated musculoskeletal oncology sessions in their respective specialty meetings or by conducting dedicated musculoskeletal meetings. Members desirous of holding the next annual General Assembly meeting shall submit an application to the incumbent Secretary no less than 1 month prior to the previous annual General Assembly meeting.

7. Communication

Communication to members will be via e mail and information updates on the IMSOS web site.

8. Amendments

Any amendments to the constitution of the IMSOS require the assent of at least two thirds of the members present at the General assembly. Notice from a member of a proposed amendment must be received by the secretary at least three months before the annual General assembly. The secretary will notify the members no less than one month before the annual General assembly.