As per the IMSOS executive committee decision in March 2020 which was subsequently proposed and passed in IMSOS GBM in March 2020 (Bengaluru) and March 2021 (Virtual), it was decided that IMSOS will award travelling grants, the rules of which will be as follows:

1. Number of Beneficiaries per year: 2.

2. Beneficiaries should be ratified IMSOS Life members from ANY Medical speciality irrespective of Nationality.

3. Interested life members to apply to the secretary on in suggested format once the fellowships for that year are announced within the deadline stated.

4. What the traveling grant includes: Amount sanctioned per month per beneficiary: INR 50,000/-, for a maximum period of 3 months (Maximum amount not exceeding INR 1,50,000/-, One lakh and fifty thousand only per beneficiary) for visiting a centre of the applicant’s choice, where his/her visit has been approved by the appropriate authority of that centre.

5. The candidate will have to arrange for travel, accommodation, institutional fees and other expenses related to the visit through this grant.

6. The beneficiary may choose to stay longer at the centre; however, the maximum remuneration by IMSOS will not be over and above the stated amount.

7. If required, IMSOS can help the applicant to liaise with the centre of his/her choice and facilitate the visit.

8. The President, Past President / President Elect and the secretary of IMSOS will form the committee and choose the beneficiaries from the applicants. The decision of the fellowship committee will be final and binding.

9. Once selected, the beneficiary will not be eligible for re application for the said fellowship for a period of 5 years.

10.Candidate should have completed at least one year after Master's qualification (or equivalent).

11.Stipend will be disbursed in parts: 50% at beginning of visit, 25% after receiving a report from the mentor in the centre where the candidate has visited and 25% after receiving the candidates report.

12.Candidate will have to submit a statement of purpose (not exceeding 1000 words) explaining aims, reason for choice of the centre and future plans supporting his/her claim for this grant. This should be accompanied by a letter of reference, copy of the candidates curriculum vitae and a letter from the institute stating willingness to accommodate the applicant in their program.

13.Selection will be based on post qualification experience, nature of employment, publications and presentations, awards, candidate's statement of purpose, curriculum vitae.